Thematic Network on Climate Justice in the Arctic

TN on Climate Justice in the Arctic
Thematic Network on Climate Justice in the Arctic

The focus of this thematic network is climate justice, defined as a recognition of humanity’s responsibility for the disproportionate impacts of climate change on the poorest and most vulnerable people, in Arctic communities.


The overall goal of the Thematic Network on Climate Justice is to i) facilitate and enhance interdisciplinary research on climate justice and ii) establish a programme of educational exchanges on climate justice (including, for instance, GCU’s MSc Climate Justice).  Sub-themes of the Thematic Network are: just transitions, climate security (migration, conflict, human trafficking), and the mental health impacts of climate change.

The goals of the thematic network include:

  • Establishing research partnerships and collaborations on issues such as just transitions, climate security (migration, conflict, human trafficking) and the mental health impacts of climate change with a focus on the indigenous and vulnerable Arctic communities.
  • Disseminating research findings and outreach on climate justice and climate change in the Arctic and what this means in terms of human rights & development.
  • Promoting educational exchanges on climate justice and the impacts of climate change in the Arctic.


The activities of the thematic network will include i) developing joint research projects, partnerships and collaborations, ii) educational and outreach exchanges via a blend of guest lectures, seminars, conferences and workshops and iii) enabling student exchange programmes between thematic members.

  • Hosting a series of (including digitally enabled) seminars and lectures on climate justice and subthemes. Its purpose will enable multi-institutional knowledge exchange between thematic network members, as well as increase awareness among host institutions’ staff and students about the thematic network and the UArctic.
  • Networking and consortium building events for the thematic network and non-network institutions to come together to discuss opportunities for developing collaborative research projects, partnerships and enabling stakeholder engagement.
  • A series of public engagement and knowledge exchange events to enhance awareness of the thematic network, its sub-themes and membership of the UArctic.
  • Produce an annual report highlighting key outputs and activity.

Other Information

Video interview: Sennan Mattar, Thematic Network on Climate Justice in the Arctic