Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security

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Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security

To learn more, visit the Arctic Politics web page


The two detailed focus areas of this TN are: first, studies on ‘Geopolitics’; for example, how geopolitics is present / implemented in the circumpolar North; what might mean indigenous point(s) of view of geopolitics; and what might be among key indicators of the geopolitics in a changing North; and second, studies on ‘Security’; for example, how different discourses on security are implemented in the North; what are special features of Northern security; and what kind of security factor climate change is.

The aim of the Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security is to combine the two focus areas – Studies on Geopolitics, and Security Studies -, and based on that to draw up a holistic picture on Arctic geopolitics and Northern security as well as to identify and analyze major changes of them.

Another aim is to promote ’interdisciplinarity’, to implement the interplay between research and teaching as well as the discussion between young and senior scholars, and to promote the interplay between science and politics, and that between scientific and traditional knowledge(s).


Among planned activities are first, to run annual workshops for the members of the TN as well as for PhD students on political sciences back-to-back to international conferences and seminars, such as NRF Open Assemblies and Calotte Academy; second, to implement the interplay between research and teaching, between senior and young researchers and between science and politics; third, to act as a joint platform for discussion on these matters in general and particularly between the NRF and the UArctic; and final, to launch and run an international research project on the themes.

To implement the aims and long-term purposes, as well as to promote interdisciplinary discourse on the two focus areas, the TN on Geopolitics and Security

  • Publishes annually The Arctic Yearbook - the first yearbook was published in 2012. all published Arctic Yearbooks can be found here.
  • The TN acts as a joint platform for discussion on (Arctic) geopolitics and (Northern) security in general, and particularly between the NRF and the UArctic and its Thematic Networks. The TN also implements the interplay between science and politics, and between senior and young researchers;
  • Takes initiatives for and coordinates, supports and runs, international research and book projects on IR, geopolitics and security studies.

Read the latest news here below:

For more news, please see the Related News section.


Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

Video interview: Lassi Heininen, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security