Thematic Network on Research Analytics and Bibliometrics

Research Analytics and Bibliometrics

The UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Research Analytics and Bibliometrics, hosted by Umeå University, was established in 2023 as a continuation of the previous UArctic Science & Research Analytics Task Force. The latter was established in 2015 following the UArctic Rector’s meeting in Umeå, Sweden. 

Main Goal

The main goal of the Thematic Network is to identify challenges and gaps in knowledge about the Arctic, using big-data analytics tools and bibliometric/scientometric approaches and methods, and to inform research-based solutions that are possible through the efforts of the UArctic Network. The Thematic Network will continue the work partnering and liaising with global data and information providers to improve the representation and visibility of Arctic research in the global indexed research output.  


Institutional Collaboration


The main activity in the network consists of performing research analytics and bibliometrics in dialogue with different actors and collaborators in the Arctic.

Read the latest news stories here below:

For more news, please see the Related News section.


Other Information

Please contact us if you would like to join the network.

Video interview: Rickard Danell (Lead) and Lena Maria Nilson (Vice-Lead) of the UArctic Thematic Network on Research Analytics and Bibliometrics