Mineral Industries Research Laboratory
MIRL’s research activities are devoted to finding, developing and utilizing Alaska’s minerals.
MIRL’s research activities include, but are not limited to, the following study areas: Improved exploration methods, new resource development, mining in frozen ground, surface coal mining in the Arctic, mine and mill design, mineral processing engineering, use of radiotracer techniques in placer gold recovery, hydrometallurgical and electrochemical processes for heap leaching of gold ores in the Arctic and sub Arctic, coal characterization and beneficiation, coal utilization, coal-water fuel production, mineral market evaluations, and environmental concerns associated with mining and metallurgy.
Institution | University of Alaska Fairbanks |
Country | United States |
Infrastructure type | Laboratory |
Disciplines | Engineering Mining and extraction |
Language of operation | English |
Keywords | laboratoryminingengineeringarctic |
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Contact information
Rajive Ganguli rganguli@alaska.edu