The Scientific conference will include the presentation of the scientific findings of the panarctic “Assessment of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic”, which is being coordinated by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), a permanent working group of the Arctic Council, and which is due to be completed during 2007. This will be supplemented by invited presentations.
The ARCTOS PhD-school has implemented into Arctic Frontiers the workshop: "Petroleum activity in the Arctic and sound management - the need for research". It is an approved course (BIO-8502) at the University of Tromsø, and consists of the conference itself and an intensive 5 days writing session with lectures about the Arctic Council, AMAP, the Management planfor the Barents Sea, the Law of the Sea and the effect of petroleum on marine organisms.
Sessions from the Conference will be made available via an online webcast in English and Russia from January 20-22.
For more information, including online registration, visit Arctic Frontiers.