Organized and financed by stakeholders from the private and public sector, Arctic Frontiers 2008 has entered cooperation with Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), a permanent working group of the Arctic Council. During the Scientific Conference (23-25 January), AMAP will launch the results from its three-year circumpolar study: “Assessment of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic”. The Scientific Conference will discuss the associations between Arctic oil and gas activities and environmental challenges, society and indigenous peoples.
Papers can be submitted for six different sessions revolving around the main theme, including the past and future of oil and gas activities in the Arctic, their social economic aspects, the indigenous perspectives, and the effects of hydrocarbons on Arctic biota and human, among others. 
The deadline for submitting papers is September 30. All the information on the sessions' themes and the submission procedures can be found in the Call for Papers. 
The Policy Conference (January 21-22), for its part, will address the theme of "Challenges for Oil and Gas Development in the Arctic".
For more information, go to the Arctic Frontiers website