NR ForumEligibility: Young researchers and professionals, primarily advanced graduate students and those who have recently passed their MA or PhD, are eligible to receive full or partial travel funding from the NRF in order to participate in the Assembly. Applicants should submit a brief statement of interest, a one-page resume, and a presentation abstract. For further application details, see Submit applications to The deadline for funding applications is 15 May 2008.

The 5th Open Assembly of the Northern Research Forum, "Seeking Balance in a Changing North," will take place in Anchorage, Alaska, 24-27 September 2008. The event is being organized by the Northern Research Forum and the 5th NRF Host Organizing Committee, representing the Office of the Governor of Alaska, the Office of the Mayor of Anchorage, the US Arctic Research Commission, the Inuit Circumpolar Council, the Institute of the North, the University of Alaska Anchorage, the Alaska Native Science Commission, The Northern Forum, the Chickaloon Village Traditional Council, the Anchorage Museum of History and Art, Cinza Research, and the Anchorage Convention & Visitors Bureau.

The plenary themes and sub-themes of the Assembly are:
The Future of Northern Co-operation
1. New Northern Policies of the Arctic States
2. The Arctic Council and Multilateral Co-operation
3. Bilateral relationships

The New Geography of a Warming North
1. Climate Change: Facts – Scenarios
2. Alternative Energy
3. Threats to Man-made Environment
4. Human Security: e.g. health and wellbeing - education
5. Threats to Sovereignty and Local Autonomy
6. Human – Environment Relationship

The Accessible Arctic in the Global Economy
1. Oil, Gas, and Coal
2. Renewable Energy
3. Energy Security of the Arctic and the World
4. New Sea Routes – Revolution in Global Shipping and Trade

Leadership in the Age of Uncertainty
1. Impacts of Climate Change
2. Climate Change: "Awakening" and Good Governance
3. Citizenship and Climate Change: Adaptation - Implementation

Assembly Structure:
Four plenaries by themes; five round tables on themes; four project sessions; an excursion to Chickaloon and Palmer, Alaska.

Funding application deadline for Young Researchers: 15 May 2008

Deadline for position papers: 15 June 2008
Deadline for early-bird registration: 15 August 2008

The Icelandic companies of Glitnir and Eimskip are currently the main financial sponsors of the Northern Research Forum.

For general information on the NRF and for assembly updates, please visit:

Or contact
The Northern Research Forum
Postal address: NRF Secretariat, c/o Stefansson Arctic Institute, Borgir, Nordurslod, IS-600 Akureyri, Iceland.

Amy L. Wiita
NRF Steering Committee, YR representative
Cinza Research, Owner/Principal Research Consultant
9138 Arlon St., Suite A3-104
Anchorage, Alaska 99507