Starting with an address of welcoming in the most famous, so called “Beer Hall” in the wonderful city centre of Tromsø and a short presentation of traditional Sami music, the conference created a kindly atmosphere and promised much conversation and interesting discussions to follow.

On the next day the conference would maintain all the expectations: A lot of inspiring speeches were made, all dealing with issues of interest for the High North.

In particular, the UArctic was well represented by many involved members, introducing its new developing programmes and aspects.

HayleyHayley Hesseln, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies of the University of the Arctic was invited to address the audience with her speech about “Natural Resource Education – Public and private partnerships.” Her speech included the key topics concerning:

      • northern issues
      • the role of Higher Education
      • the perspective : Economic and Private Industry 
      • Canadian case study

Picture 042A special view was given to the new developing programme “Open Learning”, which gives northerners outside the traditional university structure opportunities to further their education, acquire new skills, and receive specialized training. “Open learning especially needs a non-degree demand, a skills training, but also a focus on learning rather than degree competition, which is all based on public private partnerships”, said Hayley Hesseln, who graduated from Colorado State University in 1997 with a Ph.D. in Forest Economics.

An absolute worldwide premiere was the launching of the UArctic Atlas by Scott Forrest. Curious people were able to experience it at the UArctic information desk and had some special first impressions of practising all its unique possibilities.

Conference dinner TromsoFinally, the conference dinner in the afternoon was well arranged with a traditional meal of reindeer and a few thought-provoking speeches by volunteers.
Undoubtedly this conference has brought the High North a further step forward in educational cooperation in the High North, especially involving institutions in the Nordic countries, North America and Northern Russia.

For further information, please visit the Homepage of the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education.