Edited by James Ford and Chris Furgal, the special edition features the following manuscripts:

- Climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability in the Arctic: James D. Ford and Chris Furgal

- Community Collaboration and Climate Change Research in the Canadian Arctic: Tristan Pearce et al.

- Arctic climate change discourse: the contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia: Bruce Forbes and Florian Stammler

- Community clusters in wildlife and environmental management: using TEK and community involvement to improve co-management in an era of rapid environmental change: Martha Dowsley

- The role of governance in community adaptation to climate change: E. Carina H. Keskitalo, Antonina A. Kulyasova

- A reindeer herder's perspective on caribou, weather and socio-economic change on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: Kumi Rattenbury et al.

- Canadian Inuit subsistence and ecological instability- if the climate changes, must the Inuit? George Wenzel

- Vulnerability and adaptation to climate-related fire impacts in rural and urban interior Alaska: Sarah Trainor et al.

- Demographic and environmental conditions are uncoupled in the social-ecological system of the Pribilof Islands: Henry Huntington et al.

- From good to eat to good to watch: whale watching, adaptation and change in Icelandic fishing communities: Níels Einarsson

Dr James Ford

CIHR Postdoctoral Fellow

Dept. of Geography

McGill University

