The most recent volume, Inuit Urbains / Urban Inuit, is now available. A list of contents follows.
- "Urban Inuit," by Nobuhiro Kishigami and Molly Lee (pages 9-11)
- "Is the Arctic really urbanising?" by Susanne Dybbroe (pages 13-32)
- "The city life of youths in Greenland," by Jette Rygaard (pages 33-54)
- "Language, culture and community among urban Inuit in Ottawa," by Donna Patrick and Julie-Ann Tomiak (pages 55-72)
- "Homeless Inuit in Montreal," by Nobuhiro Kishigami (pages 73-90)
- "Young Greenlanders in the urban space of Nuuk," by Birgit Kleist Pedersen (pages 91-105)
- "Anaktuvuk Pass goes to town," Margaret B. Blackman (pages 107-115)
Off theme:
- "Un bilinguisme stable est-il possible a Iqaluit?" by Aurelie Hot (pages 117-136)
- "Elaboration du gouvernement regional du Nunavik et construction de l'identite collective Inuit," by Jerome Bouchard (pages 137-153)
- "A propos de l'exposition Upside Down - Les Arctiques," by Yannick Meunier (pages 155-161)
- Alia, Valerie, "Names and Nunavut. Culture and Identity in Arctic Canada," by Ludger Muller-Wille (pages 163-178)
- Dyson, Laurel Evelyn, Max Hendricks et Stephen Grant (dir.), "Information Technology and Indigenous People," by Louis-Jacques Dorais (pages 165-166)
- Evans, Michael Robert, "Isuma. Inuit Video Art," by Yves Laberge (pages 166-168)
- Fienup-Riordan, Ann, "Wise words of the Yup'ik people. We talk to you because we love you," by Murielle Nagy (pages 168-170)
- Fienup-Riordan, Ann (ed.), "Yupiit qanruyutait. Yup'ik words of wisdom," by Murielle Nagy (pages 168-170)
- Gessain, Robert, "Inuit: Images d'Ammassalik, Groenland 1934-1936," by Yves Laberge (pages 170-172)
- Kulchyski, Peter and Frank James Tester, "Kiumajut (Talking Back): Game management and Inuit rights 1900-1970," by Martina Tyrrell (pages 172-175)
- Rosing, Jens, "Si nous nous reveillons par temps calme ... Une saga familiale du Groenland oriental," by Louis-Jacques Dorais (pages 175-177)
- Sorensen, Axel Kjaer, "Denmark-Greenland in the Twentieth Century," by Frank Sejersen (pages 177-178)