Master’s degree programme in Comparative Social Work (CSW) is an international two-year programme of 120 ECTS. It has been developed within the framework of Barents Cross Border University (BCBU) which offers and creates setting for cross-border learning environment between the universities in Northern Finland and North-West Russia, but also in the whole Barents region.

The increased mobility of people, es­pecially labour force, has set new demands for social work and its pro­fessionals. Experts in cultural di­versity and international so­cial issues, as well as people with a comparative approach to different societies are needed in the Barents region and the world over. There is also a need for so­cial work professionals in Barents region who under­stand the special characters of this peripheral EU region, which is also a border area between EU and Russia.

During the CSW programme students will acquire a better understanding of national and global social work, through a comparative approach. Graduates from the programme can work, for example, as social workers in multicultural environments as well as experts in international projects and tasks in the social sphere. In addition, the graduates will have a possibility to continue for doctoral studies in social work and to conduct comparative research. In so doing, they will be in the front of line of promoting scientific research.

The mobility of students between the neighbouring countries is an essential part of the programme. For example, the summer and winter schools, student visits, and a period of practice training in the neighbouring country give the opportunities for students to familiarise themselves with social work in different contexts and societies. 

Graduating students will be awarded degree qualifications by the university where they are accepted and registered. The degree qualifications are a Master of Social Sciences from the University of Lapland, and a Master of Social Work from the Pomor State University.

More information: www.ulapland.fi/CSW

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