Russia, Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
July 01-July 30, 2010

Research supervisor: Prof. Valery Yurievich Fridovsky, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy

The goal of the Scientific Field Geological School is to provide undergraduate and postgraduate students who conduct studies in the field of geology with opportunity to learn about principles of structure formation and tectonics of large gold ore deposits – the ore clusters in Mesozoic collisional-accretionary belts of the eastern margin of North-Asian craton.

The school program includes field studies, analyses of the obtained data and research results presentation on the following subjects:

1. Structural-tectonic analyses of the orogenic belts (on the example of Verkhoyansk fold and thrust belt)
2. Reconstruction of the tectonic structure formation cycle in various zones of the continental margin
3. Mineralogical geochemical zonation of gold- ore objects
4. Geotectonic mapping of terrigenous strata located in complex areas

Application deadline: June 01, 2010
Application form is available at and should be sent to