It was a response to continual requests from educators and scientists wishing to raise awareness about the importance of polar science during a time of rapid planet-wide climate change. The 250 page book can be purchased online from Pearson Publishing for 25 Pounds, with all proceeds going to the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS):

The book comprises background information on recent polar research and the history of IPY. It addresses climate change related issues from the perspective of the indigenous population in the Arctic. It provides a selection of teaching resources on six polar themes (atmosphere, ice, ocean, land, people and space) and showcases large- and small-scale education and outreach projects successfully carried out during the IPY.

The project has received support from a wide range of actors who are part of the IPY community, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the International Science Council (ICSU), as well as the Canadian IPY Secretariat and IPY Program, the National Academies of the United States, the United National Environment Program (UNEP) and the organising committee for the flagship IPY Oslo Science Conference (OSC).

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