Abisko Scientific Research Station, Sweden in a co-operation with University of Arctic Thematic Networks on Global Change and Arctic Medicine.

More information: Kirsi Latola. Thule Institute, P.O.Box 7300, FIN-90014 University of Oulu, Finland, tel. +358 8 553 3565, fax +358 8 553 3564, email: kirsi.latola(at)

Language: The official language of the course is English.

Registration: Registration opens at course website in January 2nd, 2012, deadline February 17th 2012. Number of PhD students for the course is limited to 20.


Topic 1: Long-term environmental changes (climate, permafrost, feed-back mechanisms, ecology)
Topic 2: Changes in snow, what snow and ice means to Sámi and impacts of changes in snow
Topic 3: People’s health and wellbeing, infections, injuries and security, genetics, adaptation to climate change
Topic 4: Adaptation to climate change, sustainable land and resource use

Keynote lecturers:

Topic 1 Prof Terry Callaghan, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Dr Margareta Johansson, Lund University & Prof Bo Svensson Linköping University
Topic 2: Dr Jan-Åge Riseth, NORUT, Norway & Dr Cecilia Johansson, Uppsala University, Sweden
Topic 3: Prof Birgitta Evengård, Umeå University, Sweden, Prof Ulf Gyllensten, Uppsala University, Sweden & Prof Arja Rautio, University of Oulu, Finland
Topic 4: Prof Terry Callaghan, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Ass Prof Christer Jonasson, Abisko Scientific Research Station.

Course includes student presentations and assignments which will be informed in second circular. The course also includes outdoor activities. Students will be awarded 5-6 ECTS of completion of the whole course with the presentation (short presentation = 5 ECTS, long presentation with written abstract 6 ECTS).

The course is funded by Nordforsk Top-level Research Initiative “Effect studies and adaptation to climate change” as the fourth course organized by the Nordic Network “People and Ecosystems in a changing world”. The participation for the whole week will give PhD students certificates for gaining credits in their home organizations. Nordic PhD students are asked to apply for free participation including the travel grant, free admission and free accommodation when submitting the registration form.