18th Inuit Studies Conference 2012, Washington, DC
Wed, Feb 01, 2012
THEME: Globalization: An Arctic Story
Human Dimensions of Resource Development and Commercial Activity in Inuit Communities
Convenor: Dr. Jackie Dawson (Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada) jackie.dawson@uottawa.ca
Co-convenor: Dr. Margaret Johnston (Professor, School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism, Lakehead University,
Canada) mejohnst@lakeheadu.ca
Human Dimensions of Resource Development and Commercial Activity in Inuit Communities
Convenor: Dr. Jackie Dawson (Canada Research Chair in Environment, Society and Policy, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada) jackie.dawson@uottawa.ca
Co-convenor: Dr. Margaret Johnston (Professor, School of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism, Lakehead University,
Canada) mejohnst@lakeheadu.ca
Arctic regions are experiencing an unprecedented increase in economic development initiatives and international attention to sovereignty, access, climate change, and Inuit rights that bring both opportunities and risks for local residents. The session addresses these issues and the development of policy responses through papers that concentrate on the exploitation of natural resources and increasing commercial activities in the Arctic – including tourism. Emphasis will be on social sustainability as well as resilience and adaptive capacity in Inuit communities. Presentations that draw together multi-disciplinary aspects of change and that discuss policy and regulatory efforts within the context of global change and economic development are particularly welcome.