A strong Nordic participation in large-scale international research infrastructure incentives, in particular relating to European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap projects, would enhance Nordic research cooperation substantially. In order to increase Nordic collaboration in this context, NordForsk is announcing a call for proposals for funding of up to eight Nordic networks.
The aim of the call is to support Nordic research infrastructure networks that strengthen Nordic cooperation on a specific, large-scale international research infrastructure project, including activities to increase joint Nordic use of international research facilities; provision of resources or services; and use of e-infrastructures and knowledge resources such as collections, archives, databases, etc. The network should build and expand Nordic competence and generate added value through exchange of experience with regard to best practice and efficient use of technologies and procedures, including potential harmonisation processes at the Nordic level. Finally, the network should aim to become a Nordic platform, thereby facilitating more coordinated Nordic participation in international research infrastructure projects.
Maximum amount of funding that may be sought: NOK 500 000.
Applications must be submitted electronically using the NordForsk Application Portal no later than 21 February at 12:00 CET. Proposals will be evaluated by the NordForsk secretariat in relation to the evaluation criteria below. Decisions will be made in the course of March 2014. Research infrastructure networks allocated funding are expected to start their activities late spring 2014.
Evaluation criteria
The quality of the proposal will be assessed in relation to
- Relevance relative to the call for proposals
- Feasibility of the project plan and appropriateness of budget
more info: www.nordforsk.org/en/news/500.000-nok-til-infrastruktur-netvaerk