The Multidisciplinary CBU-BCBU Summer School is organized by the Cross Border Finnish-Russian higher education institutions consortium that has provided educational and research activities since 2004.
The second multidisciplinary summer school focuses on technology, environment and wellbeing issues across the borders. Its strengths and unique possibilities are based on long cooperation history, international working, educational and research activities in various fields of science: health, social sciences, information technology, and environmental technology.
Students and researchers are welcome to participate and learn, share and explore new ideas in the intensive five-day multidisciplinary study environment. Sessions are organized in the way that different research and study fields will be held in separate days, providing the possibility to join not only sessions related to own study fields, but also get the new ideas from the other disciplines. Extensive program is structured in the way, that participants from the partner Universities as well as participants of the online courses will get the maximum of information. The keynotes, poster sessions and student presentations in the three main research subjects will be complemented by field visit at the Finnish Meterological Institute Kuopio Unit as well as research ethics and methodology session.
Summer school will be held at the Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio Campus.
The amount of credits depends on the participation in the school (giving presentation, poster session, writing learning diary and participation in the online courses) 2-4 ECTS.
Attendance in the summer school is free of charge.
Registration opens on April 5 and closes on April 30.
To register and see more information, please visit the Summer School website.