UArctic received excellent applications from a broad range of disciplines and regions and types of institutions. Most of the institutions that nominated candidates had run an internal selection process to appoint their candidate so the competition for the student places was extremely high.
In their decision, the selection committee put emphasis on, in addition to the formal eligibility criteria, achieving national, regional and disciplinary balance in the overall group. Indigenous students were given a high priority.
The following 12 UArctic applicants have been chosen to participate in the Arctic Academy in Korea on 17-22 August 2015.
Fredrik Angell, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Caroline Bäckman, Stockholm University
Alexandria Griepp, IỊisaġvik College
Liisa Kauppila, University of Turku
Anzhelika Khaakova, The Baikal State University of Economics and Law in Yakutsk
Maja Madsen, University of Greenland
German Ragozin, Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Joni Saijets, University of Oulu (Giellagas Institute)
Tiina Takala, University of Lapland
Lena Vinokurova, North-Eastern Federal University
Kristina Voronina, Ukhta State Technical University
Valerie Young, Nunavut Arctic College
Both UArctic and the Korea Maritime Institute are very pleased at the enthusiasm in UArctic members and want to congratulate all the selected students and wish the Arctic Academy the best success!