As the eight Arctic nations become more prominent due to trade and commerce routes for the 21st century, the importance of near shore zones and estuaries to Arctic and Subarctic populations is becoming more explicit. Of the world’s four most geographically vast nations, three are found in the Circumpolar North. Resource development and associated infrastructure may impact the demands on ecosystem services underscoring the necessity to observe, document, understand and respond to climate change.
Conference themes include traditional scientific disciplines, science education, arctic social sciences, biomedical research, and artistic interpretation of the evolving North. Information about the planned conference agenda can be found on the conference overview page.
Abstract for the conference are due on August 24, 2015. To submit an abstract, please visit the online submission form.
Online registration is now also available. Early registration is due by September 10, 2015. Please visit the registration section of the 2015 meeting overview page for more details.