Projects must have a social science orientation and the potential to contribute to the design of management models for the coastal zone.
They should address one or preferably more of the following topics:
•planning and governance models that are in some way associated with climate change and increased pressure on coastal areas;
•conflicting targets between competing societal considerations and sector interests, including public interests and industrial, outdoor recreation and protection interests;
•framework conditions for business activities and new value creation in the coastal zone, including bio-based industries;
•structural, legal and economic challenges related to the awarding of exclusive rights to the use of coastal areas and resources;
•valuation, management and use of ecosystem services in the coastal zone;
•the relationship between international, national and regional management levels and models related to the use of the coastal zone.
Research should primarily focus on increasing pressure on the coastal zone, the ramifications of the pressure for governance and planning in the coastal zone, and how this can be solved.
Applicants must be Norwegian or Nordic institutions, and the project manager must have completed a doctoral degree or equivalent. Interdisciplinary, national and international cooperation is encouraged. Preference may be given to young project managers, aged 39 or younger, who are no more than eight years from obtaining their PhD.
The total budget is worth NOK45 million, which aims to fund between five and eight projects over a period of two to four years.
For more information, see the Calls for Proposals.