One of the Summer School leaders is Hokkaido University Professor Atsuko Sugimoto. "A series of short field courses conducted in the Arctic region and laboratory short-term courses at the University of Hokkaido give the students experience in the field and laboratory work in the Arctic region, followed by the training program in Sapporo. We expect that these short courses will strengthen the relationship between universities in the Arctic through the exchange of students," said the professor.
Lectures of scientists were focused on the ecosystem fundamentals. "One of the main things in the summer school was the communication with researchers on different fields of science. During the summer school, students could discuss and debate with scientists. School gave an opportunity for participants, whose research topics are related to the natural sciences, environment, earth sciences, improve their understanding of the region and deepen their knowledge," say the organizers of the research project.
Summer School worked from 5 to 13 August in the framework of RJE-3 - the Training of experts of Eastern Russia and Japan Program. "It is aimed at the development of professional groups that play a leading role in the field of environment, culture and sustainable development of the Far East and the Arctic regions of Russia. Participants gained experience in conducting small research projects, which included field research, data analysis and presentation of results of the last course day, " said at the Institute of East (NEFU).