Based on the positive feedback received from the previous PCM workshops, we would like to support the development of your project ideas and not to get freeze while waiting for the new Programme to start.
We invite you to take part in these significant events in Haparanda (Sweden) on 10.11.15, Tromsø (Norway) on 12.11.15 and Murmansk (Russia) on 18.11.15with one of the four thematic fields:
- Business and SME development;
- Environmental protection, climate change, mitigation and adaption;
- Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development sustainable and climate- proof transport and communication networks and system;
- Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management.
The PCM Workshops will contribute to improvement of your skills in the Project Cycle Management as well as ensure clear understanding of the Thematic fields. The official language of PCM Workshops is English.
PCM Workshop Development Team expects you to fill in the Concept Note (CN) within time frame 22.09 - 09.10.2015, briefly describing your project idea.
We will keep you updated on this matter and provide more detailed information on a regular basis.
Please check our web-page for more information on the criteria.