ICASS IX’s theme is People and Place. Research on social sciences and humanities have a great responsibility to address the challenges for sustainable development in the Arctic, with a specific focus on the many different parts of the Arctic and the people that live there. The multiple Arctics have lately been addressed by many policy makers and researchers. The purpose is often to counteract the stereotypic understanding of the Arctic too often represented by icebergs and polar bears. A focus on people and place highlights the many variances across the region in terms of climate, political systems, demography, infrastructure, history, languages, health, legal systems, land and water resources etc. etc. We welcome sessions and papers on all facets of the North. And, as always, we also welcome sessions and papers on all other subjects of relevance to our members.
ICASS IX sessions are divided in themes which all of them are led by one chair. You will find the themes listed at the conference website together with a list of proposed sessions which are listed under each theme. Choose your preferred session in the theme to submit your abstract. You are also most welcome to submit a poster presentation within a theme.
Submissions should contain:
- Name and contact details of the author(s)
- Title of paper or poster
- a 150 words (maximum) summary / abstract. (Please note: that some sessions due to special funding situations and programs are invited papers only and are marked as closed (these sessions are generally open to participation, though). Session proposers have been asked to fill out various data about their session proposals, but this information has not all been gathered, so please be aware that changes will occur and extra information will be added to some of the sessions later.)
- Submitting a proposal for a paper or a poster presentation is at this stage non-committing. Registration for ICASS IX will open in mid-January 2017. The early-bird registration fee will be 350 Euros. Membership to IASSA is required and is set to 100 Euros, with reductions for students, unemployed, retired and Russian participants.
- Prospects for the funding of your participation in the Congress. We hope to be able to provide some travel funding to students, early career researchers, Indigenous participants, and participants from Russia (and individuals who have limited means to attend). Please indicate if you wish to be considered for financial support in the ICASS IX Submittal Form. We anticipate announcing the travel awards in February 2017.
- A maximum of two paper proposals per person please, although you may submit as many posters as you wish.
The deadline for submitting paper and poster abstracts is 16 December 2016.
We encourage participation of Indigenous peoples, Northern residents, decision-makers and politicians, as well as academics, so that ICASS IX provides a rich environment in which to advance discussions on sustainabilities in the North and on other Northern matters.
For more information, visit the ICASS IX webpages.
Please note that in addition to the ICASS conference fee, membership in IASSA is mandatory for all ICASS participants – to become a member or renew your membership