These grants enable researchers to conduct a project related to artistic research under a limited amount of time. Artistic research covers a wide range of investigative and academically reflective practices with artistic grounds, such as fine arts, music, performing arts, architecture, design, film, moving image and photography, literature, curatorial practices and artistic interdisciplinary investigations. The research’s social relevance can be directed towards both artistic practice, research methodology, theory and artistic training as a research and community development in a broader sense.
Eligible to apply are researchers within the artistic field. Applicants should be project leaders and must be active in the project equivalent to at least 20 per cent of full-time employment. They should also have artistic experience or equivalent artistic research background, however PhD degrees are not required. Participants may be Swedish or overseas researchers or artists who do not have to be based at a Swedish higher education institution or public organisation.
Grants are worth at least SEK300,000 per year for up to three years, starting in January 2017. Funding can cover salary, general operating expenses, travel and publishing costs as well as costs related to exhibitions.
For more information, visit the Swedish Research Council web site.