Proposals may address the following topics:
•understanding health, well-being and disease, including SC1-PM-02-2017 new concepts in patient stratification;
•preventing disease, including SC1-PM-07-2017 promoting mental health and well-being in the young;
•treating and managing diseases, including SC1-PM-08-2017 new therapies for rare diseases and SC1-PM-10-2017 comparing the effectiveness of existing healthcare interventions in the adult population.
Proposals must take the form of research and innovation actions, which require participation by at least three legal entities, each established in a different EU member state or associated country. All legal entities must be independent of each other.
All H2020 funding calls allow third country partners who secure their own funding to participate in consortia. Any US entity is eligible for funding for specific topics only.
Each proposal may receive between €2 million and €6m, although proposals for other amounts will also be considered. The indicative budget is worth €160m.
See the Call in Participant Portal.