Funding supports collaborative projects that aim to promote health, prevent diseases and foster supportive environments for healthy lifestyles; protect EU citizens from serious cross-border health threats; contribute to innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems; facilitate access to better and safer healthcare for EU citizens.
Proposals may address one of the following priority areas:
- PJ-01-2016: migrants’ health – best practices in care provision for vulnerable migrants and refugees;
- PJ-02-2016: gathering knowledge and exchanging best practices on measures reducing underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking;
- PJ-03-2016: gathering knowledge and exchanging best practises to on measures to prevent illicit drug use in line with the minimum quality standards in drug demand reduction;
- PJ-04-2016: support to member states and stakeholders to address the chronic disease challenge;
- PJ-05-2016: donor selection and protection.
Projects must involve at least three partners from separate legal entities and from different countries. Applicant organisations must be based in EU member states, Iceland, Norway, and countries which have a bilateral agreement with the EU, and may include public authorities, public sector bodies, research and health institutions, universities and higher education establishments.
The total programme budget is €13.05 million. Individual topic budgets range from €550,000 to €4.5m. Projects may last up to 36 months.
See the Call in Participant Portal.
For more information, see the Call Announcement.
Read more about the Health Programme.