To mark the 150th anniversary of Canada’s Confederation organizers of this section would like to offer faculty, researchers, graduate students and advanced undergraduate students the opportunity to reflect on and engage with Arctic issues in a Canadian or comparative trans-Arctic context (inclusive of Alaska, Greenland and elsewhere) while remaining open to perspectives that address the next 150 years.

Some possible themes could include: northern land claims and self-government processes; the flow of ideas on indigenous rights as land claims evolved across the region (and on both sides of the tree line); Arctic international relations (whether from state, indigenous, and/or global perspectives); the northern borderlands in regional and world politics; or Arctic geopolitics and the strategic, economic, and/or cultural consequences of the polar thaw.

Panel and Individual Paper Proposals: Please provide a draft title that succinctly describes your topic, and a 250-word abstract that describes: what your paper (or panel) is about, what methods are used, why the question/inquiry is important, your findings and conclusions. Panel proposals should include 3-4 speakers.

Please submit your proposals to any (or all) of the section organizers by March 15, 2017:

Nadine Fabbi, University of Washington,
Barry Scott Zellen, Georgetown University,
Mark Watson, Concordia University, 

Registration Fees: The registration fee for ACSUS members is $200 before June 15, 2017; and $250 after June 15, 2017.
The registration fee for non-members is $320, and includes a two-year ACSUS membership. (Graduate student registration fees will be lower, and these will be announced shortly). 

Travel: The conference will be held at the Tuscany Suites and Resort, which is in a quiet area that is, nonetheless, only a 10-minute walk from the Las Vegas Strip. Spacious and beautiful rooms for the conference are provided at the special rate of $65 per night (single or double occupancy) for weekdays and $125 per night for weekends. More information on this site is available at

For further details click here or contact:

Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
University of Washington, Seattle
206-221-6374 |