The NOVA University Network has granted funds for a PhD-course series on “Climate Change Entomology”. The first course and an associated workshop will be organized jointly  on behalf of NOVA by the University of Helsinki, and the UArctic Thematic Network on “Sustainable Production and Foraging of Natural Products in the North“.

The topic of the course-workshop will be “Invasive Pest Threats in the North”, which is one of the core themes also in the UArctic Thematic Network.

PhD-students and advanced MSc-students from NOVA institutions are invited to attend the course, and the grant from NOVA will cover their costs. PhD-students from other universities, and researchers, can attend at own cost. Interested researchers and stakeholders are encouraged to participate in the parallel workshop as a meeting platform for further research and publication activities. The course-workshop will be held on the Viikki campus, University of Helsinki, from 25-29. September, 2017.

Please find further course information on NOVA website:

Additional information: NOVA-course series coordinator, and UArctic Thematic Network coordinator Heikki Hokkanen: