The position’s affiliation
The PhD position is for a fixed term, with the objective of completion of research training to the level of a doctoral degree. Admission to a PhD programme is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position. The PhD Candidate shall participate in the Faculty of Science and Technology’s organized research training, and the PhD project shall be completed during the period of employment. The candidate will receive supervision and counselling from a team of advisors with a main supervisor from the Faculty of Science and Technology and secondary supervisors from the University Library.
Information about the application process for admission to the PhD programme, application form and regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) are available at the following address:
Further information about the position is available by contacting Head of Library Services, Mariann Cesilie Løkse, tel +47 77 64 41 46, email Senior Adviser Jan Erik Frantsvåg, tel +47 77 64 49 50, email Professor Fred Godtliebsen, tel + 47 77 64 40 19, email
The research position’ field of research/research project
A definition of bibliometrics describes it as “the application of statistical and mathematical methods to books and other media of communication”. Today, bibliometrics is often used to assess scientific research through quantitative studies of research publications.
This PhD position aims at developing new insight in how the analysis of scholarly output with bibliometric tools can be used to improve research quality and our understanding of research processes.
A detailed research project will be defined on the basis of the background and research interests of the successful candidate. Research output from UiT should be part of the data material for the research project, but not necessarily the only material used, e.g. as part of a comparative study.
Among research questions that could be posed, are:
- Can the degree of interdisciplinary research be measured, and how do different groups score relative to others, and to other institutions on this aspect of publishing?
- How could patterns of publishing with other institutions be measured and analysed, and how could the quality and prestige of publication partners be measured?
- How could/should metrics be used, and not used, to inform evaluation of research and researchers on various levels, from individuals to nations?
Patterns must both be found and described, and explained, and the research must be planned and conducted with the purpose of being able to give well-founded answers to both descriptions and explanations. Implications for planning and internal support for research to enable reaching various goals is a desired outcome. The goal of the project is to create new knowledge and tools to enable better research leadership at Higher Education and Research institutions through better knowledge and understanding of processes leading to research publications.