Traditionally, health patterns in human populations in the circumpolar Arctic are characterized by high rates of communicable (infectious) diseases and low rates of non-communicable (chronic) diseases such as e.g. coronary heart disease and diabetes.

However, these health patterns are changing following the transition of Arctic societies from those of hunting societies to those of western societies, and the significant social transitions impacted upon Arctic communities over the past decades. Furthermore, climate changes may affect Arctic populations to a larger extent than many other populations.

You will learn about health patterns in Arctic populations in light of these changes. The course will address living conditions and vital statistics for Arctic populations; it will address determinants and risk factors for health, including genetic susceptibility, environment, social factors, diet and nutrition, smoking, alcohol and substance use.

Finally, the course will address health consequences in terms of the particular patterns of diseases observed in these populations including infectious, cardiovascular and genetic diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, injuries and violence, mental health and suicide, and maternal and child health.

Formal requirements

  • Medical students: Obtained bachelor degree in Medicine.
  • Public health science students, nursing and midwifery students: Obtained Proff. bachelor degree
  • Health professionals: mid-level training of minimum 3 years
  • Other academics: Obtained bachelor degree in area relevant to the Arctic

Application procedures
The online application form will be available on this web page in January 2017. The application deadline is 1 April 2017.


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