Field course is organized for 3rd year students (bachelors) who specialize in ore geology, structural geology, petrology, geochemistry. Also this course could be useful for Masters students who have necessary geological background. 

Location Impilahti village is connected with Saint-Petersburg (340 km) and Petrozavodsk (200 km) by roads, where international airports, railway stations and bus stations are situated. Also Impilahti village is 100 km far from Vyartsilya where Russian-Finnish boarder could be easily crossed by cars and buses. The nearest finnish city is Joensuu. More details about the programme, lecturers and other information can be found in the file attached.

Registration is open online

Field course supervisor: Ivan A. Alexeev


phone: +7 (812) 363 61 95
cellphone: +7 (921) 943-65-40