"This four-month journey, which happened thanks to north2north, definitely changed my life and allowed me to leave usual boundaries as much as possible. Because of the exchange period and the people I met during this time, I decided what I want to do in the future and what great opportunities education and science provide. I am full of gratitude, pride and the feeling that experience I have is priceless. After my exchange period, I plan to finish my studies at my home university and get a Master’s degree.
Studying in the University of Helsinki was a great honor and big responsibility for me. My purpose for future is to use experience, which was taken from studying process, in my scientific and professional activities, as well as in international activity between the Industrial University of Tyumen and the University of Helsinki – establishing cooperation between students, researchers and scientists to share experiences and create new ideas for solving different challenges, which are related with Earth sciences."
Read Kamila´s full story here.