MicroFEWs is a research project funded by the National Science Foundation to explore how existing and potential renewable energy projects affect food, energy, and water (FEW) security in rural Alaska. The project combines community visits and surveys with engineering studies to probe these linkages and feedbacks, and it also explores optimization of modular FEW infrastructure to enhance community security.
Dr. Whitney and Dr. Schmidt will describe the project and share some of the early learnings from this work.
Please find the webinar poster here.
A recording will be made available on the CASES website.
The presentation will be live through WebEx:
Deceber 14th 12 -1pm CST
Meeting link: https://usask.webex.com/usask/j.php?MTID=m1d7d689859e99ccaf34d5d9677244e86
Meeting number: 145 320 9779
Password: casespartnership
The webinar is related to the activities of the UArctic Thematic Network on Renewable Energy.