The first book “Crisis and Emergency Management in the Arctic – Navigating Complex Environments”, to be published by Routledge publisher, is a collection of articles written by experts within risk assessment, preparedness, and emergency management. This book explores how the complexity of the operational environment affects the risk of operations and addresses a need for tailor-made emergency response mechanisms. In total 12 researchers from six countries have contributed to the book. In addition, the book includes commentary articles from seven managers within the maritime emergency preparedness institutions in the Arctic countries.
The second book “Emergency Preparedness Organizations and Crisis Management” is a textbook in Norwegian for students within crisis and emergency management. It focuses on organizational design and management within both government emergency management organizations and private companies. The book has special chapters discussing major incidents such as large-scale accidents with a high number of casualties, mass rescue operations, pandemic threats, cyber-attacks, and terrorism.
Both books have been funded by the Arctic 2030 program of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the SAMRISK program of the Research Council of Norway and the Nordland County Administration, and will be published over summer/autumn 2020.
The projects above are related to the work of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Safety and Security.