This supports small projects that combine two or more previously successful or ongoing projects related to the Northern and Arctic regions. The overall aim is to further integrate results as well as disseminating their impact in order to reach a wider group of stakeholders. Projects should ideally explore transferring of project outputs to other organisations, sectors or regions, maximise the transnational impact of existing outputs on local level end users, increase the awareness of the transnational added value and the potential of transnational cooperation, and gain critical mass to inform decision makers. All projects are expected to make special efforts to include end users and underrepresented groups such as young people and indigenous peoples.
Projects must include at least two ongoing or finalised NPA funded projects, where the partners are from two different programme partner countries, at least one of which is an EU member state. The core partnership is expected to consist of NPA lead partners or essential partners from the original projects, supplemented by other key partners as well as new partners from projects funded by other Interreg programmes where appropriate. The recommended maximum project size is six partners, plus associated partners.
For more information visit the call website.