The authors explore how, rather than serving as a catalyst for economic development, infrastructure expansion can be a burden for northern communities. Hard infrastructure (like seawalls and roads), for example, are capital intensive and expensive to maintain, and are often constrained by external sociopolitical factors. The authors highlight that risk can be compounded by underestimating the severity and complexity of climate change, which can ultimately lead to maladaptations. As a way to mitigate risk and facilitate effective and sustainable infrastructure, the authors emphasize the importance of meaningful and equitable local engagement, and support for local capacities for climate change adaptation.

The journal article can be found here:

Full citation:

Birchall, SJ., Kehler, S, Bonnett, N. (2022). Fostering resilience and adapting to climate change in the Canadian North: Implications for infrastructure in the proposed Canadian Northern Corridor. Canadian Northern Corridor Special Series, School of Public Policy Publications, University of Calgary.