The aim of the LiLa series is to bring together MA and PhD students and scholars from different disciplines and circumpolar higher education institutions to develop culture-sensitive and sustainable art-based research methodologies on sociocultural landscapes of the Arctic region.
The participating MA and PhD students and scholars came from the ASAD partner institutions Nord University of Norway, the University of Lapland (Finland), the Umeå University (Sweden) and the University of the West of Scotland. The participants came from the disciplines of art education, general teacher education, fine arts, media and clothing design.
Dwellers in the Landscape online exhibition presents artworks that have been created during a six-month course in art-based processes. At the same time as the online exhibition, an onsite exhibition and catalogue are published. Catalogue consists also visual essays from some participants.
Onsite exhibition: Gallery Kilo at the Faculty of Art and Design, University of Lapland, 29th November – 15th December
Editors: Elina Härkönen, Mari Parpala and Mette Gårdvik
Participants: Abigail Harkey, Agnieszka B. Jarvoll, Anna M. Jantos, Anne Lise Wie, Elina Härkönen, Emmi Kairenius, Jacquelaine Kennedy, Liisa Ahola, Lotta Lundstedt, Mari Parpala, Matti-Pekka Karikko, Mette Gårdvik, Niina Oinas, Renate K. Nordnes, Sara Rylander, Timo Jokela
Partners: University of Lapland (Finland) Nord University Nesna (Norway), Umeå University (Sweden) and University of the West of Scotland (UK)