The survey is open to all individuals who engage in Arctic research activities and we welcome diverse perspectives across disciplines, career stages, organizations, knowledge systems, and geographies including but not limited to individuals engaged in Arctic research projects that currently receive U.S. federal funding, or have in the past.

The goals of the survey are: 

  • To develop a better understanding of the networks, forums, tools, workshops and courses that support Arctic research collaboration as well as the management and use of Arctic data. 
  • Identify forums where diverse segments of the community convene and communicate
  • Provide insight into the network of data repositories where Arctic data are shared
  • Use feedback to drive future courses, workshops, and other support programming offered by Arctic Data Center, ARCUS, & IARPC

The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and will be open until June 15th, 2022. All questions are optional and you may remain anonymous. 

Responses will be anonymized and available to the public after collection.

If you have colleagues who would also be willing to provide input to this effort, we would be grateful for any assistance extending this survey invitation to others in your professional network.

Thank you for your time, interest, and participation!


For questions, please contact:

Natasha Haycock-Chavez

Community Engagement and Outreach Coordinator for the Arctic Data Center 


Survey link: