Designing and developing permafrost internships in the Arctic led by University of Copenhagen and linked to the UArctic Thematic Network on Permafrost.
Project partners: Aarhus University, Université Laval in Quebec City, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Stockholm University, University of Oslo, Permafrost Young Researchers Network.
The PermaIntern project will design and develop a first full scale online Permafrost Internship service available to all interested students, university and internship hosts. We aim for the service to cover the full variety of permafrost working life activities from university research to engineering company work. Permafrost is a particular natural topic to start developing internships for as an additional important part of higher education. This, as there are many direct applications in many scientific fields, and due to the ongoing climatic changes very related to permafrost. This combination is clearly making our PermaIntern ambition a very needed, urgent and natural development, which is best developed in UArctic networking collaboration. The project has six deliverables starting with a kick-off workshop, developing and opening the online service, providing stipends for internships, further developing the service based on input from the permafrost community, analyzing the first year of operation and ending with a final launch at the International Conference on Permafrost in 2024 of the final permafrost internship product.
New Genre Art Education in the Arctic (AEA) led by Ilisimatusarfik / University of Greenland and linked to UArctic Thematic Network Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design (ASAD) and UArctic Thematic Network Children of the Arctic.
Project partners: University of Lapland, Nord University, Umeå University, the Office of the Rights of the Child in Greenland.
New Genre Art Education in the Arctic (AEA) is a two-year (2022-2024) development project that seeks to establish a hybrid realization model (digital and onsite) of international seminars and workshops for art teachers, researcher and Ma and PhD art education students at 4 universities (Greenland, Finland, Norway, and Sweden), all members of UArctic. Long-term transdisciplinary partnerships between education, arts, humanities, and social sciences will meet the emerging challenges of changes in the North and the Arctic caused by megatrends, like urbanization, globalization and consequences of climate and environmental changes for eco-social and cultural live in the North and the Arctic and put attention to the role of art in the present and future development of the Arctic. Dialogical and participatory methods will be implemented in the workshops and seminars to support the networking, knowledge exchange and creation of new collaborations in Arctic Art Education, supporting sustainability, social justice, and wellbeing for all citizens, including children and young people in local communities.
Multidisciplinary Workshops for Early Career Researchers in Arctic Social Sciences and Engineering led by Technical University of Denmark and linked to UArctic Thematic Network Arctic Engineering and UArctic Thematic Network Health and Well-being in the Arctic.
Project partners: University of Oulu, Nordregio, Sweden, Université Laval, Canada, Aurora College, University of Vienna, Austria.
This project focuses on conducting workshops where Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in Arctic
Social Sciences and Engineering discuss their research with local Arctic communities. The workshops serve as a platform for feedback and discussion with Indigenous and local people,
policy-makers and stakeholders, as well as other scientists. We aim to engage in discussions on the impacts of climate change and permafrost thaw on communities, how to locally manage risk, on adaptation and (equitable) mitigation strategies and how to focus future research initiatives – giving ECRs, senior researchers and communities a possibility to mutually build capacity, and to ensure co-design and co-production of knowledge. The three workshops in high-Arctic communities in Svalbard, Greenland and Canada will be a platform for the ECRs to strengthen their crossdisciplinary networks, to get involved in relevant UArctic TNs, and to discuss the relevance and applicability of their results with communities.
Treatment for addiction of alcohol and other drugs across the Arctic led by Ilisimatusarfik / University of Greenland and linked to UArctic Thematic Network Health and Well-being in the Arctic.
Project partners: Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre, Nunavut Sivuniksavut, Canada, University of Southern Denmark, SANKS – Samisk nasjonal kompetencetjeneste, Norway and UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Ilisimatusarfik / University of Greenland, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, USA and/or Center for Alaska Native Health Research, USA.
We wish to initiate network activities under the Thematic Network for Health and Well-being in the Arctic for practitioners and researchers working with a specific focus to problematic use and addiction to alcohol and other drugs. The goal is to hold two workshops to meet face to face to discuss the local adaptations and context dependent changes to the Western evidence and practice, and how they are combined with traditional knowledge and practices.