The 2013 Arctic Energy Summit is a multi-disciplinary event expected to draw several hundred industry officials, scientists, academics, policy makers, energy professionals and community leaders together to collaborate and share leading approaches on Arctic energy issues. The 2013 Summit will address energy extraction, production and transmission in the Arctic as it relates to three thematic areas and key questions, including:

• What new energy resources are being explored for or developed and what does a rich supply of resources mean for the prosperity of northern peoples?
• How are northern communities enhancing their resource wealth with value-added activities?
• What mechanisms are working for enhancing national, state, community or tribal prosperity when energy projects are developed?

• What strategies are necessary for building social and ecological resilience? How do northern peoples maintain their rich cultures in times of immense economic and environmental change?
• How does new technology increase the lifespan of northern energy systems and extraction projects? What technologies are making current resource development possible?
• How can public policy provide incentives for investment in the infrastructure and technology needed for further development?

• How do we approach energy development that meets the needs of the world, the environment, the people and a company’s bottom line? How does the world’s demand for energy resources influence public policy or create pressure to develop these resources in Arctic nations?
• What does corporate social responsibility mean for the energy industry in the Arctic?