The purpose was to start working on a joint research application and to exchange knowledge and experiences from Nunavut and Greenland regarding living conditions, health and older people.
During the week, we had an office in Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre (AHRN-NU).
Besides working with the research group discussing our joint application, we had meetings with hospital staff, the homecare unit, the health centre, the manager/head of the health department in the territorial government, a consultant working with the development of new nursing homes in the territory, the elder’s home and the elder’s Qammak.
Besides learning about life conditions, the health care, homecare and other services for older people, we started our joint application focusing on health and intergenerational relationships across Greenland and Nunavut.
Ageing in the Arctic is a research and development project developed and conducted in close collaboration between the Greenlandic municipalities and researchers, health professionals and educational managers from, University of Copenhagen, University of Greenland, VIVE, University of Southern Denmark and University College Copenhagen.The aim of the AgeArc Project is to improve health, well-being and quality of life among older people in Greenland. For more information on the AgeArc, see here.