In addition to some of the annual routine items on the Board's agenda like approval of the financial reports and budgets and the President's report, the Board appointed a new Chair for the Board. Peter Skold from Umeå University, Sweden, will serve as Chair for the Board. Tove Søvndahl Gant served as Interim Chair after September, when the term of the previous Chair ended. The Board thanked Tove for her service and dedication with a UArctic Certificate of Recognition.
Other issues on the Board's agenda were, among other things, discussions on the legal review of UArctic and fundraising. Minister Lauri Tarasti from Finland was invited to give legal advise to the Board on possible changes to the legal structure.
The meeting was concluded with a fundraising workshop, led by GG+A. The senior management as well as several thematic network and institute leads joined the Board for the workshop.
Dartmouth College is one of the founding members of UArctic and has played a key role in the development of the organization. Currently Dr Ross Virginia, in addition to serving on the Board, also leads the UArctic Institute for Arctic Policy.