Preliminary program for the ARTEK International Conference (AIC) 2018 has been published lately. The program includes sessions concerning the theme, keynote speakers, conference dinner and more.
AIC2018 offers an opportunity for participants from the industry, the public sector, the science community and other stakeholders to present, discuss and exchange ideas and experience on how to plan, design, construct, operate and maintain transportation infrastructure in cold regions.
About the conference:
Communities in the Arctic and other cold regions are strongly dependent on well-functioning transportation infrastructure to sustain business opportunities, health and general well-being. For isolated communities (most coastal Arctic communities) regional or international travel and transportation must rely on air or sea transport. A harsh climate and unstable weather conditions impact constructions and make navigation challenging.
Faced with social and industrial changes, transportation infrastructure in these regions must be adapted to larger traffic loads and changing transportation patterns. At the same time, climate change impacts on permafrost and ground stability, sea ice distribution and properties, changing wave regimes etc., pose severe challenges to transportation infrastructure.
More information about the conference in AIC2018 homepage.