According to the Tomsk State University, the new English-language resource will acquaint users with the Arctic with the help of computer animation, 3D tours, information graphics and other tools. Users will be able to learn about climate changes going on in the North, and how they affect people, what research is carried out to understand and predict those processes. The project will be launched in 2019.

The author of the idea and the project leader is Professor Terry Callaghan from the University of Sheffield.

"The new education resource will be open and free of charge. The project targets a broad audience. It can be used by school and university students, teachers, lecturers, researchers as well as non-scholars, interested in global changes, affecting our planet. The resource could be used for self-education as well as within the framework of various educational programmes" - said the scientist.

According to Professor Callaghan, the project promises to be interesting for the research community as well, since it will represent the latest Arctic research data, both published in specialized magazines and prepared for publication.  

Since the resource will gather huge amounts of information, it is planned to use the TSU supercomputer SCIP Cyberia as a platform. The developers are going to create two versions: for browsers and mobile devices.

Original article can be found here in Russian: