The Arctic-Barents Region is facing numerous pressures, including the effect of environmental changes and extractive industrial developments, that affect human security challenges among local communities in the Barents region. The book Society, Environment and Human Security in the Arctic Barents Region, co-edited by Kamrul Hossain and Dorothée Cambou, analyzes the human security from environmental security, economic security, health, food, water, energy, communities, political security and digital security perspective. The human security framework has increasingly gained currency at the UN level since 1994 (UNDP) and the book analyses the formation, and promotion, of societal security within the context of the Arctic-Barents Region.
The book includes the contributions of a number of Arctic Centre researchers and associate members including Lassi Heininen, Sarah Mackie, Anna Petrétei, Susanna Pääkkölä, Dele Raheem, Antonia Sohns, Hanna Lempinen, Tahnee Prior, Giuseppe Amatulli, Joelle Klein and Mirva Salminen.
Order the book here.
Original article can be found at University of Lapland website.