Internationalization of higher education as a concept and set of practices is subject to constant reform and re-definition. Having left behind the assumption of virtual delivery as an emergency adaptation, virtual approaches to internationalization have emerged as innovations that complement other approaches. While many practices and approaches, such as Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Virtual Exchange, have flourished recently, a global dialogue across regions, perspectives and experiences is timely. This webinar will bring together practices and debates on the emergent concept of virtual internationalization.

This webinar is co-organised by the IAU and Center for International Higher Education at Boston College.

Register here.


  • Chris Glass, Professor of the Practice, Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education, Boston College, USA
  • Verónica Rodríguez Luna, COIL Coordinator at Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico; and President of the Red Latinoamericana COIL 
  • Keiko Ikeda, Full Professor & Vice-Director, Institute for Innovative Global Education, Kansai University, Japan
  • Lavern Samuels, President of the International Virtual Exchange Consortium
Participate in the webinar and discuss the changes and challenges for the (virtual) internationalization of higher education.