The program offers women the chance to receive a $10,000 scholarship and paid, one-month summer internship on the Kvaroy Arctic salmon farm site in Norway with consideration for employment upon graduation.

Building CAS community

Thu, Apr 28, 2022
An online discussion was organized on 27 April 2022 to discuss what critical Arctic studies means, why it is needed, what it is in practice and for whom by the UArctic TN Critical Arctic Studies (CAS).

Join the first event in the online seminar series Indigenous Geographies and Arctic Art, "New Arctic Sovereignties" hosted by Tampere University. The seminar takes on 28 April from 5-6:30 pm Eastern European Time (EET).

UArctic is pleased to announce that Senator Angus King of Maine – Co-Chair of the U.S. Senate Arctic Caucus – will chair a special session on “The New Future of the Arctic” on June 3 (0900-1030), as part of the Assembly meeting in Portland Maine, May 30-June 3.