For its special issue about "Indigenous People and Sustainable Development in the Arctic" the journal Sustainability is looking for innovative papers that analyze the dynamics of Indigenous sustainable development in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions.
Newly appointed Vice-President Academic of the University of the Arctic, Dr. Diane Hirshberg is honoured by the University of Alaska Anchorage through an enlightening article.
Presentation "Artic polar vortex and its impact on weather and climate" was presented by Sergey M. Khaykin in the network webinar on 18 March 2021. Webinar recording is now available.
The programme of online workshop on contemporary questions on Sámi education is now published. The workshop will be held on 15-16 April 2021, and the registration is now open.
UArctic is searching for motivated and enthusiastic interns for the fall 2021 who are interested in Arctic matters and willing to acquire knowledge of the Northern region; its environment, people and culture. The internship will provide an environment in which the intern can develop, enhance professional working and communica...
The University of the Arctic (UArctic) and its Arctic Sustainable Art and Design Thematic Network (ASAD) are pleased to announce the winners of its first annual photo competition. The inaugural theme of the competition in 2021 was Arctic Polarities.
Portland State Center for Japanese Studies will host an online event on April 7, 2021 during which, Hokkaido University's professor, Ken Endo will analyse Japan's role in the contemporary world.
Northern Arctic Federal University (Arkhangelsk, North-West Russia) is pleased to announce the II International PhD School “Russia in the Arctic Dialogue: Local and Global Context” to be held online on 12-20 June, 2021 as a side event of the X International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS Х).
The post-meeting press release for the final SAO (Senior Arctic Officials) plenary meeting during the Icelandic Chairmanship is now live on the Arctic Council website: Arctic Council - Iceland’s final Senior Arctic Officials’ meeting marks a successful Chairmanship and hits record participation (
The Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law, Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland wishes to strenghten its research department by offering a permanent position in the field of International environmental law and policy, and human rights as they apply to the Arctic.
The University of Toronto will be hosting an online event on April 9 which will focus on the political and legal aspects in the protection of the Arctic biodiversity.
The International Arctic Social Sciences Association takes on the responsability to organize an online workshop from an innovative perspective to understand change and sustainability matters in the Arctic.
Diverse and inter-disciplinary PhD and MSc projects in relation to birch woodland restoration in Iceland are open for applications within the research project Restoration of birch woodlands in the 21st century – challenges, approaches and benefits (BirkiVist) funded by the Strategic Research and Devopment Program 2020-2023 on...