How does one become involved in UArctic and our activities, and how can it be of benefit? Giuseppe Amatulli, the newest student representative to the Board of UArctic, describes his journey in the Durham University Student Blog.

Arctic Frontiers Science will convene February 1-2, 2021 in Tromsø, Norway. The international and multidisciplinary conference brings together social sciences, humanities, physical, and life sciences.

The latest issue of our annual magazine, Shared Voices, is now available online. In the 2020 issue we feature examples of climate action from our network: broader organizational efforts, personal and individual actions, and concrete examples from the grassroots level.

UArctic and Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) are pleased to announce an opportunity for 40 students from UArctic member institutions located in the 8 Arctic States to participate in the 6th Korea Arctic Academy online course together with 10 students from Korean universities.