Present at the founding meeting was representatives of the three owners, Tromsø municipality, Troms and Finnmark Country Council, and the Sàmi Parliament (Sàmediggi) – who presented Torjer Andreas Olsen as the company's chairman. Olsen is currently a professor of indigenous studies at the Center of Sàmi Studies at UiT - the Arctic University of Norway.
"I have high expectations for the work chairman Torjer Andreas Olsen and his board will initiate. A great and important work that should and must be given great importance. Because we still hear stories about Sàmi hatred and racism against the Sàmi in Tromsø. We shall never accept this and always fight against it," says Tromsø Mayor Gunnar Wilhelmsen (Labor).
The house will be a Sàmi meeting place – and contribute to create and operate a public art and culture arena in the city with a clear Sàmi profile. Here, Sàmi language and culture will be able to be experienced, developed and passed on to future generations.
Romssa Sámi Viessu/Samisk hus Tromsø AS will be equally owned by the municipality, the county council, and the Sàmi parliament and have a capital of NOK 1 million. The board will be responsible for hiring a general manager, as well as finding a suitable premises for the operation.
Read the original article here.